Lemma is an Electromagnetics API
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John Daily 6f23d0d820 Cleaning up MSVC compiler warnings 6 年前
AEMSurvey.cpp AEM survey added back 7 年前
AEMSurveyReader.cpp Cleaning up MSVC compiler warnings 6 年前
CMakeLists.txt Work towards templated lagged digital filter FHT, currently only works with Key201 for unknown reasons. 6 年前
CircularLoop.cpp Adding CircularLoop for optmized use cases 7 年前
CompactSupportEMSource.cpp Adding CircularLoop for optmized use cases 7 年前
DipoleSource.cpp Cleaning up MSVC compiler warnings 6 年前
EMEarth1D.cpp Fix bug in QWEKey related to array bounds 6 年前
FHT.cpp Clean up Hankel transform a little, work towards developing new filters. 6 年前
FHTAnderson801.cpp Cleaned up debugging commands 6 年前
FHTKey51.cpp Lemma V 0.2.0, ctor_key now only at root level 7 年前
FHTKey101.cpp Lemma V 0.2.0, ctor_key now only at root level 7 年前
FHTKey201.cpp Cleaned up debugging commands 6 年前
FieldPoints.cpp Lemma V 0.2.0, ctor_key now only at root level 7 年前
GQChave.cpp Cleaning up MSVC compiler warnings 6 年前
GroundedElectricDipole.cpp Added new modules, but build does not yet support them. 8 年前
HankelTransform.cpp Lemma V 0.2.0, ctor_key now only at root level 7 年前
KernelEM1DManager.cpp Lemma V 0.2.0, ctor_key now only at root level 7 年前
KernelEM1DReflSpec.cpp Fixed some filenames to move away from all lowercase convention of yore. 8 年前
KernelEM1DSpec.cpp Fixed some filenames to move away from all lowercase convention of yore. 8 年前
LayeredEarthEM.cpp Lemma V 0.2.0, ctor_key now only at root level 7 年前
LayeredEarthEMReader.cpp work towards AEM support again 7 年前
MagneticDipole.cpp Added new modules, but build does not yet support them. 8 年前
PolygonalWireAntenna.cpp Lemma V 0.2.0, ctor_key now only at root level 7 年前
QWEKey.cpp Fix bug in QWEKey related to array bounds 6 年前
UngroundedElectricDipole.cpp Added new modules, but build does not yet support them. 8 年前
WireAntenna.cpp Cleaning up MSVC compiler warnings 6 年前
costransintegrationkernel.cpp Work on rebasing to C++-11 and reorganization of Modules. 8 年前
datafem.cpp Work on rebasing to C++-11 and reorganization of Modules. 8 年前
datareaderfem.cpp Work on rebasing to C++-11 and reorganization of Modules. 8 年前
datareaderfemubc.cpp Work on rebasing to C++-11 and reorganization of Modules. 8 年前
digitalfiltercostrans.cpp Work on rebasing to C++-11 and reorganization of Modules. 8 年前
digitalfilterintegrator.cpp Work on rebasing to C++-11 and reorganization of Modules. 8 年前
digitalfiltersintrans.cpp Work on rebasing to C++-11 and reorganization of Modules. 8 年前
edipole.cpp Added new modules, but build does not yet support them. 8 年前
gaussianquadrature.cpp Added new modules, but build does not yet support them. 8 年前
instrumentfem.cpp Added new modules, but build does not yet support them. 8 年前
integrationkernel.cpp Added new modules, but build does not yet support them. 8 年前
inversesolver.cpp Added new modules, but build does not yet support them. 8 年前
kernel.cpp Added new modules, but build does not yet support them. 8 年前
modelreaderfem1d.cpp Added new modules, but build does not yet support them. 8 年前
octreegrid.cpp Added new modules, but build does not yet support them. 8 年前
receivercubes.cpp Added new modules, but build does not yet support them. 8 年前
sintransintegrationkernel.cpp Added new modules, but build does not yet support them. 8 年前