Main Lemma Repository

DCSurvey.h 8.8KB

  1. /* This file is part of Lemma, a geophysical modelling and inversion API.
  2. * More information is available at
  3. */
  4. /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  5. * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  6. * file, You can obtain one at
  7. */
  8. /**
  9. * @file
  10. * @date 10/08/2014 01:51:50 PM
  11. * @version $Id$
  12. * @author Trevor Irons (ti)
  13. * @email
  14. * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014, XRI Geophysics, LLC
  15. * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014, Trevor Irons
  16. */
  17. #ifndef DCSURVEY
  18. #define DCSURVEY
  19. #include "LemmaObject.h"
  20. #include "DCIPElectrode.h"
  21. #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP
  22. #include "yaml-cpp/yaml.h"
  23. #endif
  24. #ifdef LEMMAUSEVTK
  25. #include <vtkDataSet.h>
  26. #endif
  27. namespace Lemma {
  28. #define EINFINITY -9999
  29. /**
  30. \brief Describes a DC survey.
  31. \details This class aims to encapulate any type of DC survey.
  32. */
  33. class DCSurvey : public LemmaObject {
  34. friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream,
  35. const DCSurvey &ob);
  36. public:
  37. // ==================== LIFECYCLE =======================
  38. /**
  39. * @copybrief LemmaObject::New()
  40. * @copydetails LemmaObject::New()
  41. */
  42. static DCSurvey* New();
  43. /**
  44. * @copybrief LemmaObject::Delete()
  45. * @copydetails LemmaObject::Delete()
  46. */
  47. void Delete();
  48. // ==================== OPERATORS =======================
  49. // ==================== OPERATIONS =======================
  50. /**
  51. * Adds new electrode to the survey.
  52. * @param[in] Electrode `Pounds' a new Electrode into place.
  53. * @return integer index to this electrode.
  54. * @note Single electrodes cannot be pulled once they are pounded. The reason for this is that
  55. * every index then would become invalid. Furthurmore these are stored in a std::vector and
  56. * removing arbitrary items is inefficient.
  57. * @see PullElectrodes
  58. * @param[in] label is an optional tag for electrode.
  59. * @param[in] nodeID is the optional node ID on a mesh
  60. */
  61. int PoundElectrode( DCIPElectrode* Electrode, const std::string& label = "NULL", const int& nodeID=-1 );
  62. /** Alternative Factory method of setting electrodes. IN this manner all memoy management
  63. * is handled by DCSurvey.
  64. * @note there is no logic preventing one from pounding coincident electrodes. Don't do it.
  65. * @note Single electrodes cannot be pulled once they are pounded. The reason for this is that
  66. * every index then would become invalid. Furthurmore these are stored in a std::vector and
  67. * removing arbitrary items is inefficient.
  68. * @see PullElectrodes
  69. * @param[in] loc is the location of the electrode.
  70. * @param[in] label is an optional label for electrode.
  71. * @param[in] nodeID is the optional node ID on a mesh
  72. */
  73. DCIPElectrode* PoundElectrode( const Vector3r& loc, const std::string& label = "NULL", const int& nodeID=-1 );
  74. #ifdef LEMMAUSEVTK
  75. DCIPElectrode* PoundElectrode( const int& nodeID, vtkDataSet* Mesh, const std::string& label = "NULL" );
  76. #endif
  77. /**
  78. * Pulls all electrodes and removes connections.
  79. */
  80. void PullElectrodes();
  81. /**
  82. * Adds an injection point.
  83. * @param[in] A is the positive current electrode
  84. * @param[in] B is the negative current electrode
  85. * @param[in] J is the current intensity
  86. * @see AddInjection(const int& iA, const int& iB, const Real& J)
  87. * @see AddInjection(const int& iA, const Real& J)
  88. * @see AddInjection(DCIPElectrode* A, const Real& J)
  89. */
  90. int AddInjection( DCIPElectrode* A, DCIPElectrode* B, const Real& J);
  91. /**
  92. * Adds an injection point.
  93. * @param[in] A is the positive current electrode.
  94. * @param[in] J is the current intensity.
  95. * B, the negative current electrode is taken to be infinity
  96. * @see AddInjection(const int& iA, const int& iB, const Real& J)
  97. * @see AddInjection(const int& iA, const Real& J)
  98. * @see AddInjection(DCIPElectrode* A, DCIPElectrode* B, const Real& J)
  99. */
  100. int AddInjection( DCIPElectrode* A, const Real& J );
  101. /**
  102. * Adds an injection point.
  103. * @param[in] A is the positive current electrode index
  104. * @param[in] B is the negative current electrode index
  105. * @param[in] J is the current intensity
  106. * @see AddInjection(DCIPElectrode* A, DCIPElectrode* B, const Real& J)
  107. * @see AddInjection(DCIPElectrode* A, const Real& J)
  108. * @see AddInjection(const int& iA, const Real& J)
  109. */
  110. int AddInjection( const int& iA, const int& iB, const Real& J );
  111. /**
  112. * Adds an injection point with the negative electrode at infinity.
  113. * @param[in] A is the positive current electrode index
  114. * @param[in] J is the current intensity
  115. * @see AddInjection(DCIPElectrode* A, DCIPElectrode* B, const Real& J)
  116. * @see AddInjection(DCIPElectrode* A, const Real& J)
  117. * @see AddInjection(const int& iA, const int& iB, const Real& J)
  118. */
  119. int AddInjection( const int& iA, const Real& J );
  120. /** Adds a potential measurement via the electrode pair comparison \f$ M - N \f$.
  121. * @param[in] M is a pointer to the `positive' electrode
  122. * @param[in] N is a pointer to the `negative' electrode
  123. * @param[in] iJ is the current injection index to associate with this measurement
  124. */
  125. void AddMeasurement( const int& iJ, DCIPElectrode* M, DCIPElectrode* N );
  126. /** Adds a potential measurement via the electrode pair comparison \f$ M - N \f$.
  127. * @param[in] M is the `positive' electrode string label name
  128. * @param[in] N is the `negative' electrode string label name
  129. * @param[in] iJ is the current injection index to associate with this measurement
  130. * @see AddMeasurement( const int& iJ, DCIPElectrode* M, DCIPElectrode* N )
  131. */
  132. void AddMeasurement( const int& ij, const std::string& M, const std::string& N);
  133. /**
  134. * Used to probe for the index and current of an injection
  135. * @param[in] ij is the current injection indes
  136. * @param[out] ii is the node index
  137. * @param[out] jj is the current
  138. */
  139. void GetA( const int& ij, int& ii, Real& jj );
  140. /**
  141. * Used to probe for the index and current of an injection
  142. * @param[in] ij is the current injection indes
  143. * @param[out] ii is the node index
  144. * @param[out] jj is the current
  145. */
  146. void GetB( const int& ij, int& ii, Real& jj );
  147. // ==================== ACCESS =======================
  148. // ==================== INQUIRY =======================
  149. #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP
  150. YAML::Node Serialize() const;
  151. static DCSurvey* DeSerialize(const YAML::Node& node);
  152. #endif
  153. protected:
  154. // ==================== LIFECYCLE =======================
  155. /** Default protected constructor, use New */
  156. DCSurvey (const std::string& name);
  157. #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP
  158. /** Default protected constructor, use New */
  159. DCSurvey (const YAML::Node& node);
  160. #endif
  161. /** Default protected destructor, use Delete */
  162. ~DCSurvey ();
  163. /**
  164. * @copybrief LemmaObject::Release()
  165. * @copydetails LemmaObject::Release()
  166. */
  167. void Release();
  168. private:
  169. // ==================== DATA MEMBERS =========================
  170. /** The electrodes */
  171. std::vector<DCIPElectrode*> Electrodes;
  172. /** Tags for the electrodes, lines etc. Ordered with Electrodes std::vector */
  173. std::vector<std::string> OrderedElectrodeLabels;
  174. /** Map of tags for the electrodes, lines etc. */
  175. std::map<std::string, std::pair<DCIPElectrode*, int> > ElectrodeLabelMap;
  176. /** The A Injection electrodes */
  177. std::vector<int> A_Electrodes;
  178. /** The A Injection electrodes */
  179. std::vector<int> B_Electrodes;
  180. /** The A Injection electrodes */
  181. std::vector<Real> J_Electrodes;
  182. /** First Potential electrodes */
  183. std::vector< std::vector<int> > M_Electrodes;
  184. /** Second Potential electrodes */
  185. std::vector< std::vector<int> > N_Electrodes;
  186. }; // ----- end of class DCSurvey -----
  187. } // ----- end of Lemma name -----
  188. #endif // ----- #ifndef DCSURVEY -----