Main Lemma Repository

EarthModel.h 5.5KB

  1. /* This file is part of Lemma, a geophysical modelling and inversion API */
  2. /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  3. * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  4. * file, You can obtain one at */
  5. /**
  6. @file
  7. @author Trevor Irons
  8. @date 03/23/2010
  9. @version $Id: earthmodel.h 198 2014-12-27 06:14:05Z tirons $
  10. **/
  11. #ifndef EARTHMODEL_INC
  12. #define EARTHMODEL_INC
  13. #include "LemmaObject.h"
  14. namespace Lemma {
  15. // ===================================================================
  16. // Class: EarthModel
  17. /// \ingroup LemmaCore
  18. /// \brief abstract class for Earth models
  19. /// \details
  20. // ===================================================================
  21. class EarthModel : public LemmaObject {
  22. // ==================== FRIENDS ===========================
  23. friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream,
  24. const EarthModel &ob);
  25. public:
  26. // ==================== LIFECYCLE =======================
  27. /** YAML Serializing method
  28. */
  29. YAML::Node Serialize() const;
  30. //static LayeredEarth* DeSerialize(const YAML::Node& node);
  31. // ==================== OPERATORS =======================
  32. // ==================== OPERATIONS =======================
  33. // ==================== ACCESS =======================
  34. /** Sets the earth's magnetic field, in Tesla
  35. @param[in] bfield contains the x,y, and z components of
  36. the field. EarthModel::Inc, EarthModel::Dec, and
  37. EarthModel::BMag are computed:
  38. \f{eqnarray*}{ \mathrm{Inc} = &
  39. \cos^{-1}( \mathbf{B} \cdot \hat{\mathbf{z}} / B )
  40. \\ \mathrm{Dec} =& \cos^{-1}
  41. (\mathbf{B} \cdot \hat{\mathbf{x}} / B )
  42. \\ \mathrm{Mag} =& \Vert \mathbf{B} \Vert \f}
  43. @param[in] unit specifies the units of bfield.
  44. */
  45. void SetMagneticFieldComponents(const Vector3r &bfield,
  46. const MAGUNITS &unit);
  47. /** Sets the magnetic field using inclination, declination,
  48. and magnitude, units of Tesla
  49. @param[in] inc is the field's inclination
  50. @param[in] dec is the field's declination
  51. @param[in] Mag is the field's magnitude
  52. @param[in] unit specifies the the units used.
  53. The components are set according to
  54. \f{eqnarray*} { B_x =& B \cos(inc (\pi/180)) \cos(dec (\pi/180))
  55. \\ B_y =& B \cos(inc (\pi/180)) \sin(dec (\pi/180))
  56. \\ B_z =& B \sin(inc (\pi/180))
  57. \f}
  58. */
  59. void SetMagneticFieldIncDecMag(const Real& inc, const Real&dec,
  60. const Real& Mag, const MAGUNITS &unit);
  61. // ==================== INQUIRY =======================
  62. /** @return the magnetic field of the earth, in T
  63. */
  64. Vector3r GetMagneticField( );
  65. /** @return the magnetic field of the earth, in Gauss
  66. */
  67. Vector3r GetMagneticFieldInGauss( );
  68. /** @return the magnetic field unit vector of the earth
  69. */
  70. Vector3r GetMagneticFieldUnitVector( );
  71. /** @return the magnitude of the magnetic field (in T)
  72. * \f$ \Vert \mathbf{B}_0 \Vert \f$
  73. */
  74. Real GetMagneticFieldMagnitude();
  75. /** @return the magnitude of the magnetic field
  76. * \f$ \Vert \mathbf{B}_0 \Vert \f$ in Gauss units
  77. */
  78. Real GetMagneticFieldMagnitudeInGauss( );
  79. /** @return the name of the underlying class, similiar to Python's
  80. type
  81. */
  82. virtual inline std::string GetName() const;
  83. protected:
  84. // ==================== LIFECYCLE =======================
  85. /// Default protected constructor.
  86. EarthModel ( const ctor_key& );
  87. /** Deserialize constructor */
  88. EarthModel (const YAML::Node& node, const ctor_key&);
  89. /// Default protected constructor.
  90. ~EarthModel ();
  91. // ==================== DATA MEMBERS =========================
  92. private:
  93. EarthModel(const EarthModel& ) = delete;
  94. /** ASCII string representation of the class name */
  95. static constexpr auto CName = "EarthModel";
  96. /// Magnetic field, in units of nT
  97. Vector3r BField;
  98. /// Magnetic field unit vector \f$ \hat{\mathbf{B}_0} \f$
  99. Vector3r BFieldUnit;
  100. /// Inclination of the magnetic field
  101. Real BInc;
  102. /// Declination of the magnetic field
  103. Real BDec;
  104. /// Declination of the magnetic field
  105. Real BMag;
  106. }; // ----- end of class EarthModel -----
  107. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  108. // Error Classes
  109. /** If the Earth class is NULL valued, throw this
  110. */
  111. class NullEarth : public std::runtime_error {
  112. /** Thrown when an Earth pointer is NULL
  113. */
  114. public: NullEarth ();
  115. };
  116. } // ----- end of Lemma name -----
  117. #endif // ----- #ifndef EARTHMODEL_INC -----