/* This file is part of Lemma, a geophysical modelling and inversion API */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** @file @author Trevor Irons @date 05/18/2012 @version $Id: kernelem1dreflbase.h 193 2014-11-10 23:51:41Z tirons $ **/ #ifndef KERNELEM1DREFLBASE_INC #define KERNELEM1DREFLBASE_INC #include "KernelEM1DSpec.h" //#include "kernelem1dbase.h" #include "DipoleSource.h" #include "LayeredEarthEM.h" namespace Lemma { enum DIPOLE_LOCATION { INAIR, INGROUND }; // forward declaration for friend //template //class KernelEM1DSpec; // =================================================================== // Class: KernelEM1DReflBase /** @class \brief Abstract class defining EM1DRefl class. \details Derived classes are template specialized for optimal performance. */ // =================================================================== class KernelEM1DReflBase : public LemmaObject { //template friend class KernelEM1DSpec; //friend class KernelEM1DManager; //friend class DipoleSource; public: // ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================= // ==================== OPERATORS ======================= // ==================== OPERATIONS ======================= void Initialise( std::shared_ptr EarthIn) { nlay = EarthIn->GetNumberOfLayers(); zh = VectorXcr::Zero(nlay); yh = VectorXcr::Zero(nlay); u = VectorXcr::Zero(nlay); cf = VectorXcr::Zero(nlay); // nlay -1 (lay 0 empty) rtu = VectorXcr::Zero(nlay); // nlay -1 Interfaces only rtd = VectorXcr::Zero(nlay); // nlay -1 Interfaces only kk = VectorXcr::Zero(nlay); Zyu = VectorXcr::Zero(nlay); Zyd = VectorXcr::Zero(nlay); Zyi = VectorXcr::Zero(nlay); th = VectorXcr::Zero(nlay); // Don't attach Earth, because this is performance critical. // Everying is internal, it's OK relax Frankie //if (Earth != NULL) { // Earth->DetachFrom(this); // Earth = NULL; //} //EarthIn->AttachTo(this); Earth = EarthIn; LayerThickness.resize(nlay); for (int ilay=0; ilayGetLayerThickness(ilay); } LayerDepth.resize(nlay); for (int ilay=0; ilayGetLayerDepth(ilay); } } void SetUpSource( std::shared_ptr Dipole, const int &ifreq ) { zh(0) = Complex(0, Dipole->GetAngularFrequency(ifreq)*MU0); yh(0) = Complex(0, Dipole->GetAngularFrequency(ifreq)*EPSILON0); kk(0) = -zh(0) * yh(0); Earth->EvaluateColeColeModel(Dipole->GetAngularFrequency(ifreq)); for (int ilay=1; ilayGetNumberOfLayers(); ++ilay) { zh(ilay) = zh(0) * Earth->GetLayerSusceptibility(ilay); yh(ilay) = Earth->GetLayerConductivity(ilay) + yh(0)*Earth->GetLayerPermitivity(ilay); kk(ilay) = -zh(ilay)*yh(ilay); } tx_z = Dipole->GetLocation(2); lays = 0; Real Depth(0); for (int ilay=1; ilay Depth) { lays = ilay; } Depth += LayerThickness(ilay); } } void SetUpReceiver(const Real &rz) { rx_z = rz; Real Depth(0.); layr = 0; for (int ilay=1; ilayGetNumberOfLayers(); ++ilay) { if (rx_z > Depth) { layr = ilay; } Depth += LayerThickness(ilay); } } // ==================== ACCESS ======================= Complex GetYm() { return yh(layr); } Complex GetZm() { return zh(layr); } Complex GetZs() { return zh(lays); } Complex GetKs() { return kk(lays); } // ==================== INQUIRY ======================= protected: // ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================= /// Default protected constructor. KernelEM1DReflBase ( ) : LemmaObject( ) { } /// Default protected constructor. ~KernelEM1DReflBase () { } // ==================== OPERATIONS ======================= /** Computes reflection coefficients. Depending on the * specialisation, this will either be TM or TE mode. */ virtual void ComputeReflectionCoeffs(const Real& lambda)=0; /** Precomputes expensive calculations that are reused by insances * of KernelEM1DSpec in the calculation of Related potentials. */ virtual void PreComputePotentialTerms()=0; // ==================== DATA MEMBERS ========================= /// Bessel order, only 0 or 1 supported int id; // Needs to be dim nRel, or separate /// Layer the source is in int lays; /// Layer the receiver is in int layr; /// Number of Layers int nlay; /// Number of Related kernels to be computed int nRelated; /// Used in related kernel precompute calls int relIud; /// Receiver z position Real rx_z; /// Transmitter z position Real tx_z; /// bessel arg squared Real rams; /** Related part of con term */ Complex relCon; Complex relenukadz; Complex relexp_pbs1; Complex relexp_pbs2; Complex rel_a; /// TM or TE mode EMMODE mode; /// Pointer to layered earth std::shared_ptr Earth; Complex uk; Complex um; VectorXcr cf; // nlay VectorXcr u; // nlay VectorXcr yh; // nlay VectorXcr zh; // nlay VectorXcr kk; // nlay VectorXcr Zyu; //(nlay); //Zyu.setZero(); VectorXcr Zyd; //(nlay); //Zyd.setZero(); VectorXcr Zyi; //(nlay); //Zyi.setZero(); VectorXcr th; //(nlay); VectorXr LayerThickness; VectorXr LayerDepth; /// Reflection/Transmission coeffients for upgoing waves in a /// layered earth model VectorXcr rtu; /// Reflection/Transmission coeffients for downgoing waves in /// a layered earth model VectorXcr rtd; private: }; // ----- end of class KernelEM1DReflBase ----- } // ----- end of Lemma name ----- #endif // ----- #ifndef KERNELEM1DREFLBASE_INC -----