/* This file is part of Lemma, a geophysical modelling and inversion API */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** @file @author Trevor Irons @date 05/18/2012 @version $Id: kernelem1dreflspec.h 123 2014-02-05 23:47:20Z tirons $ **/ #ifndef KERNELEM1DREFLSPEC_INC #define KERNELEM1DREFLSPEC_INC #include "dipolesource.h" #include "kernelem1dreflbase.h" #include "layeredearthem.h" // #include<unordered_map> // for caching results namespace Lemma { // forward declare //struct cache; // Simple container to hold reflection results struct cache { Real rho0; Real lambda[805]; Real rams[805]; Complex uk[805]; Complex um[805]; Real zh0i[805]; VectorXcr Rtd[805]; VectorXcr Rtu[805]; VectorXcr u[805]; VectorXcr cf[805]; VectorXcr kk[805]; const Real epsilon; //bool nc; cache( ) : epsilon (std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon() ) { // TODO reset to precision of Real //Rtd = VectorXcr::Zero(805); //Rtu = VectorXcr::Zero(805); } }; // forward declaration for friend template<EMMODE Mode, int Ikernel, DIPOLE_LOCATION Isource, DIPOLE_LOCATION Irecv> class KernelEm1DSpec; // =================================================================== // Class: KernelEM1DReflSpec /** @class \brief Specialized version of KernelEM1DReflBase \details Through use of template specialisations, this KernelEm1D class delivers much better performance. */ // =================================================================== template<EMMODE Mode, DIPOLE_LOCATION Isource, DIPOLE_LOCATION Irecv> class KernelEM1DReflSpec : public KernelEM1DReflBase { public: template<EMMODE Mode2, int Ikernel2, DIPOLE_LOCATION Isource2, DIPOLE_LOCATION Irecv2> friend class KernelEm1DSpec; friend class KernelEM1DManager; // ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================= static KernelEM1DReflSpec* New() { KernelEM1DReflSpec<Mode, Isource, Irecv>* Obj = new KernelEM1DReflSpec<Mode, Isource, Irecv>("KernelEM1DReflSpec<>"); Obj->AttachTo(Obj); return Obj; } void Delete() { this->DetachFrom(this); } // ==================== OPERATORS ======================= // ==================== OPERATIONS ======================= // ==================== ACCESS ======================= // ==================== INQUIRY ======================= protected: // ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================= /// Default protected constructor. KernelEM1DReflSpec (const std::string& name) : KernelEM1DReflBase(name) { } /// Default protected constructor. ~KernelEM1DReflSpec () { if (this->NumberOfReferences > 0) throw DeleteObjectWithReferences( this ); } void Release() { delete this; } // ==================== OPERATIONS ======================= /** Computes reflection coefficients. Depending on the * specialisation, this will either be TM or TE mode. */ void ComputeReflectionCoeffs(const Real &lambda); /* Computes reflection coefficients. Depending on the * specialisation, this will either be TM or TE mode. This method * stores previous results in a struct. For a given index, and * lambda, the result will be the same. Turned out to be of limited utility. */ //void ComputeReflectionCoeffs(const Real &lambda, const int& idx); /** Precomputes expensive calculations that are reused by insances * of KernelEM1DSpec in the calculation of Related potentials. This * method is specialised based on template parameters */ void PreComputePotentialTerms(); /* * Sets the cache in CACHE to use. Somewhat expensive, avoid calling in tight loops */ //void SetTCache(const Real& rho0); // ==================== DATA MEMBERS ========================= private: //** Storage container for reused results */ //static std::unordered_map<Real, cache> CACHE; //** Currenly used cache */ //cache* tcache; //#pragma omp threadprivate(tcache) }; // ----- end of class KernelEM1DReflSpec ----- //template<EMMODE Mode, DIPOLE_LOCATION Isource, DIPOLE_LOCATION Irecv> //std::unordered_map<Real, cache> KernelEM1DReflSpec<Mode, Isource, Irecv>::CACHE; //template<EMMODE Mode, DIPOLE_LOCATION Isource, DIPOLE_LOCATION Irecv> //cache* KernelEM1DReflSpec<Mode, Isource, Irecv>::tcache; /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declarations of specialisations template<> void KernelEM1DReflSpec<TM, INAIR, INAIR>::ComputeReflectionCoeffs(const Real& lambda); template<> void KernelEM1DReflSpec<TE, INAIR, INAIR>::ComputeReflectionCoeffs(const Real& lambda); template<> void KernelEM1DReflSpec<TM, INAIR, INGROUND>::ComputeReflectionCoeffs(const Real& lambda); template<> void KernelEM1DReflSpec<TE, INAIR, INGROUND>::ComputeReflectionCoeffs(const Real& lambda); template<> void KernelEM1DReflSpec<TM, INAIR, INAIR>::PreComputePotentialTerms( ); template<> void KernelEM1DReflSpec<TE, INAIR, INAIR>::PreComputePotentialTerms( ); template<> void KernelEM1DReflSpec<TM, INAIR, INGROUND>::PreComputePotentialTerms( ); template<> void KernelEM1DReflSpec<TE, INAIR, INGROUND>::PreComputePotentialTerms( ); /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Default mode definitions /* template<EMMODE Mode, DIPOLE_LOCATION Isource, DIPOLE_LOCATION Irecv> void KernelEM1DReflSpec<Mode, Isource, Irecv>::SetTCache(const Real& rho0) { #ifdef LEMMAUSEOMP #pragma omp critical #endif { this->tcache = &this->CACHE[rho0]; } } */ /* template<EMMODE Mode, DIPOLE_LOCATION Isource, DIPOLE_LOCATION Irecv> void KernelEM1DReflSpec<Mode, Isource, Irecv>::ComputeReflectionCoeffs(const Real& lambda, const int& idx) { if ( (std::abs(this->tcache->lambda[idx]-lambda) <= this->tcache->epsilon) && this->tcache->u[idx].size() > 0 && std::abs(this->kk(0) - this->tcache->kk[idx](0)) <= this->tcache->epsilon ) { //std::cout << "USING CACHED RESULTS !!!!!!" << std::endl; // load all the values we need this->u = this->tcache->u[idx]; this->rams = this->tcache->rams[idx]; this->cf = this->tcache->cf[idx]; //this->kk = this->tcache->kk[idx]; this->uk = this->tcache->uk[idx]; this->um = this->tcache->um[idx]; this->rtd = this->tcache->Rtd[idx]; this->rtu = this->tcache->Rtu[idx]; } else { // else do the work } ComputeReflectionCoeffs(lambda); //#pragma omp critical //{ //std::cout << idx << "\t" << lambda << "\t" << rtd.transpose() << std::endl; //} // store the results this->tcache->u[idx] = this->u; this->tcache->cf[idx] = this->cf; this->tcache->kk[idx] = this->kk; this->tcache->uk[idx] = this->uk; this->tcache->um[idx] = this->um; this->tcache->Rtd[idx] = this->rtd; this->tcache->Rtu[idx] = this->rtu; this->tcache->zh0i[idx] = std::imag(this->zh[0]); this->tcache->lambda[idx] = lambda; this->tcache->rams[idx] = rams; } return; } */ template<EMMODE Mode, DIPOLE_LOCATION Isource, DIPOLE_LOCATION Irecv> void KernelEM1DReflSpec<Mode, Isource, Irecv>::ComputeReflectionCoeffs(const Real& lambda) { static bool called = false; if (!called) { std::cout << "unspecialised Reflection function KernelEM1DReflSpec<" << Mode << ", " << Isource << ", " << Irecv << " >::ComputeReflectionCoeffs( const Real& lambda ) --> SLOW PERFORMANCE EXPECTED\n"; called = true; } rams = lambda*lambda; ////////////////////////////////////////// // Compute TEM stuff // This call to sqrt takes ~ 15% of execution time u = (rams-kk.array()).sqrt(); uk = u(lays); um = u(layr); switch (Mode) { // TM mode case (TM): Zyu(1) = -u(0)/yh(0); Zyi = u.array() / yh.array(); break; // TE mode case (TE): Zyu(1) = -u(0)/zh(0); Zyi = u.array() / zh.array(); break; default: throw 11; //IllegalMode(this); } Zyd.tail<1>() = Zyi.tail<1>(); for (int ilay=1; ilay<nlay-1; ++ilay) { cf(ilay) = std::exp(-(Real)(2.)*u(ilay)*LayerThickness(ilay)); th(ilay) = ((Real)(1.)-cf(ilay)) / ((Real)(1.)+cf(ilay)); } // Can't use blocks, b/c recursive for (int N=1; N<lays; ++N){ Zyu(N+1)=Zyi(N)*(Zyu(N)-Zyi(N)*th(N)) / (Zyi(N)-Zyu(N)*th(N)) ; } int ne = nlay-2; for (int N=ne; N >=lays+1; --N) { Zyd(N) = Zyi(N)*(Zyd(N+1)+Zyi(N)*th(N)) / (Zyi(N)+Zyd(N+1)*th(N)) ; } rtd(nlay-1) = 0; if (layr < lays) { // Receiver above source layer int ls = layr; if (ls == 0) { ls = layr+1; } for (int N=ls; N<=lays; ++N) { rtu(N)= (Zyi(N)+Zyu(N)) / (Zyi(N)-Zyu(N)) ; } if (lays < nlay-1) { rtd(lays) = (Zyi(lays)-Zyd(lays+1)) / (Zyi(lays)+Zyd(lays+1)) ; } } else { // RECEIVER IN OR BELOW THE SOURCE LAYER if (lays == layr) { // Rx In source Layer if (layr == 0) { rtd(0) = (Zyu(1)+Zyd(1)) / (Zyu(1)-Zyd(1)) ; } else if (layr == nlay-1) { rtu(nlay-1) = (Zyi(nlay-1)+Zyu(nlay-1)) / (Zyi(nlay-1)-Zyu(nlay-1)) ; } else { rtu(layr) = (Zyi(layr)+Zyu(layr)) / (Zyi(layr)-Zyu(layr)) ; rtd(layr) = (Zyi(layr)-Zyd(layr+1)) / (Zyi(layr)+Zyd(layr+1)) ; } } else { // receiver below source layer if (lays == 0) { rtd(0) = (Zyu(1)+Zyd(1)) / (Zyu(1)-Zyd(1)) ; } else { rtu(lays) = (Zyi(lays)+Zyu(lays)) / (Zyi(lays)-Zyu(lays)) ; } int le = layr; if (le == nlay-1) --le; int ls = lays; if (lays == 0 ) ++ls; // TODO use blocks to vectorize maybe? // This works but gives same to slightly worse // performance as loop. // int nn = le-ls+1; // rtd.segment(ls, nn) = // (Zyi.segment(ls , nn).array() - // Zyd.segment(ls+1, nn).array()).array() / // (Zyi.segment(ls , nn).array() + // Zyd.segment(ls+1, nn).array()).array() ; for (int N=ls; N<=le; ++N) { rtd(N) = (Zyi(N)-Zyd(N+1)) / (Zyi(N)+Zyd(N+1)) ; } } } // End in or below source layer return; } template<EMMODE Mode, DIPOLE_LOCATION Isource, DIPOLE_LOCATION Irecv> void KernelEM1DReflSpec<Mode, Isource, Irecv>::PreComputePotentialTerms( ) { static bool called = false; if (!called) { std::cerr << "unspecialised function KernelEM1DReflSpec<" << Mode << ", " << Isource << ", " << Irecv << " >::PreComputePotentialTerms\n"; called = true; } } } // ----- end of Lemma name ----- #endif // ----- #ifndef KERNELEM1DREFLSPEC_INC -----