namespace Lemma{

    \page EmSources 

<div class="lemmamainmenu">             
    \ref Intro     "Intro"
  | \ref Compiling "Compiling"
  | \ref Memory    "Memory management "
  | \ref Minimal   "Minimal programme"  
  | \b EM \b Sources

We support the following dipole types: 
- Grounded electric
- ungrounded electric
- magnetic
Each in horizontal and vertical polarizations. Dipoles may be placed anywhere in a model.

    DipoleSource *dipole = DipoleSource::New();



Each of the above dipole types is shown in this example. Note the use of enumerations (ALLCAPS) instead of integer markers,
making the code immediately obvious. The location is set in x,y,z order. A right hand coordinate system is used with 
a pointing down. So this dipole is just in the air. 
Only a sinlge frequency is computed, at 2000 Hz, and the phase is set to zero.

\section Other Other sources
Currently we also support arbitrary ungrounded wire loops. We plan to support grounded wire loops in the near future as well.

For our example we will construct a wire antenna loop. To do this insert this code into your skeleton application shown on the previous page.

    PolygonalWireAntenna *pa = PolygonalWireAntenna::New();
        pa->SetPoint(0, Vector3r(   0,   0, -1e-3));
        pa->SetPoint(1, Vector3r( 100,   0, -1e-3));
        pa->SetPoint(2, Vector3r( 100, 100, -1e-3));
        pa->SetPoint(3, Vector3r(   0, 100, -1e-3));
        pa->SetPoint(4, Vector3r(   0,   0, -1e-3));
        pa->SetFrequency(0, 1000);
        pa->SetFrequency(0, 5000);
The code is basically self-explanitory. We are constructing a single turn wire loop with 5 points. The first and last 
point are the same making this a loop, but that is not a requirement. All loops must be 'closed' in this fashion.
We are interested in two frequencies: 1 and 5 kHz and we have a 10 A current running through a single turn wire.
