123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791 |
- # import matplotlib as mpl
- # mpl.use("pgf")
- # pgf_with_pdflatex = {
- # "pgf.texsystem": "pdflatex",
- # "pgf.preamble": [
- # r"\usepackage{amsmath}",
- # r"\usepackage{amssymb}",
- # r"\usepackage{timet}",
- # ]
- # }
- # #r"\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}",
- # #r"\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}",
- # #r"\usepackage{cmbright}",
- # mpl.rcParams.update(pgf_with_pdflatex)
- #
- # from matplotlib import rc
- # rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['times']})
- # ## for Palatino and other serif fonts use:
- # #rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['Palatino']})
- # #rc('text', usetex=True)
- #import matplotlib
- #from matplotlib import rc
- #matplotlib.rcParams['text.latex.preamble']=[r"\usepackage{timet,amsmath}"]
- #rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['timet']})
- #rc('text', usetex=True)
- from GJIPlot import *
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from smooth import smooth
- #from invertColours import *
- from decay import *
- from scipy import signal
- from notch import *
- import rotate # why is it called loss?
- BLACK = False
- labs = 16
- if BLACK:
- labcol = 'white'
- else:
- labcol = 'black'
- def Kw(a, phi2, s, rT2, wL):
- return a*((np.sin(phi2)*s + ((1/rT2)*np.sin(phi2)) + wL*np.cos(phi2) ) / (wL**2+(s+1/rT2)**2 ))
- def quadDetect(T, vL, wL, dt, xn, DT):
- # decimate
- # blind decimation
- # 1 instead of T
- irsamp = (T) * int( (1./vL) / dt) # real
- iisamp = int( ((1./vL)/ dt) * ( .5*np.pi / (2.*np.pi) ) ) # imaginary
- dsamp = int( DT / dt) # real
- iisamp += dsamp
- ############################################################
- # simple quadrature-detection via sampling
- xr = xn[dsamp::irsamp]
- xi = xn[iisamp::irsamp]
- phase = np.angle( xr + 1j*xi )
- abse = np.abs( xr + 1j*xi )
- # times
- ta = np.arange(0, TT, dt)
- te = np.arange(DT, TT, TT/len(abse))
- #############################################################
- # hilbert transform
- ht = signal.hilbert(xn) #, 100))
- he = np.abs(ht) #, 100))
- he = ht*np.exp( -1j*wL*t ) # ht*e^{-jwLt} # phase envelope
- #hp = ((np.angle(ht[dsamp::irsamp])))
- #[Q, I, tt] = rotate.quadrature(T, vL, wL, dt, xn, DT, t)
- [E0,df,phi,T2] = quadratureDetect(np.imag(he), np.real(he), t)
- D = rotate.RotateAmplitude(np.real(he), np.imag(he), phi, df, t)
- he = D.imag
- #print ("df", df, "phi", phi)
- """
- plt.plot(xn)
- plt.plot(np.real(he))
- plt.plot(np.imag(he))
- plt.plot(D.imag)
- plt.plot(D.real)
- print ("phi", phi)
- plt.plot( np.unwrap(np.arctan(np.unwrap(np.angle( he ) + np.pi/2 ))) )
- # plt.plot(np.imag(ht))
- # plt.plot(xn)
- # plot FFT
- XN = np.fft.rfft(xn)
- plt.figure()
- plt.plot(XN.real, label='orig')
- #XNN = XN * np.exp(1j*phi-1.)
- """
- """
- phi = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, .001)
- best = 1e12
- bestPhi = 0
- for p in phi:
- XNN = XN * np.exp(1j*p)
- if ( (np.linalg.norm( XNN.real[XNN.real < 0] )) < best):
- best = np.linalg.norm( XNN.real[XNN.real < 0])
- bestPhi = p
- #print (len( XNN.real[XNN.real < 0] ))
- #best = min(best, -( np.sum(XNN.real[XNN.real < 0]) ))
- #print (XNN[XNN.real < 0])
- #plt.plot(XNN.real[XNN.real<0])
- print ("best", best, bestPhi)
- XNN = XN * np.exp(1j*bestPhi)
- """
- """
- plt.plot(XNN.real, label='phased')
- plt.plot(XNN.imag, label='imag')
- plt.legend()
- plt.figure()
- plt.plot(np.angle(XN))
- plt.plot(np.angle(XNN))
- plt.show()
- exit()
- """
- #############################################################
- # Resample ht, no gate integrate
- """
- htd = signal.decimate(he, 100, ftype='fir')
- td = signal.decimate(t, 100, ftype='fir')
- #[htd, td] = signal.resample(he, 21, t)
- #toss first, and use every third
- htd = htd[1::5]
- td = td[1::5]
- """
- #############################################################
- # Resample ht and gate integrate to 20 gates per decate
- GPD = 20 # Gates per decade
- GI = 15 # initial 15 times are just used
- # first just resample to 20 Gates per decade
- #nrs = (np.log(t[-1]) - np.log10(t[0]))
- tdd = np.logspace( np.log10(16*dt), np.log10(t[-1]), 80-GI, base=10, endpoint=True)
- tdl = tdd[0:-1] # these are left edges
- tdr = tdd[1::] # these are left edges
- td = (tdl+tdr) / 2.
- # Just use the first 20 datapoints
- td = np.concatenate( ([t[0:GI] , td]) )
- htd = np.zeros( len(td) )
- #htd[0:15] = he[0:15]
- htd[0:GI] = he[0:GI]
- ii = 15
- isum = np.zeros( len(td) )
- Vars = np.ones( len(td) ) * .15**2
- isum [0:15] = 1
- #Vars [0:15] = .15**2 # variance
- #var = .15**2
- for itd in range(GI, len(he)):
- #print (itd)
- if ( t[itd] > tdr[ii-GI] ):
- ii += 1
- isum[ii] += 1
- htd[ii] += he[ itd ]
- Vars[ii] += .15**2
- htd /= isum
- #Vars = ( Vars) / isum
- Stds = np.sqrt( Vars) / isum
- Vars = Stds**2
- #plt.figure()
- #plt.gca().errorbar( td, htd, fmt='o', yerr=Vars )
- #plt.gca().set_xscale('log', basex=10)
- # htd = he[itd] # (int)(dt*itd) ]
- #td = []
- # OK, so tdd are the desired time gates, but we might not be able to satisfy all of them
- #htdt = signal.decimate(he, 10, ftype='fir')
- ##tdt = signal.decimate(t, 10, ftype='fir')
- #tdt = t[::10]
- #[htd, td] = signal.resample(he, 21, t)
- ##toss first, and use every third
- #htd = [] # htdt[1::5]
- #td = tdt[1::15]
- #for ix in np.arange(1,len(htdt),15):
- # if ix>15 and ix<len(htdt)-15:
- # htd.append( np.mean(htdt[ix-7:ix+8]) ) # stupid could do recursive but who gives a shit
- # else:
- # htd.append( htdt[ix] ) # stupid could do recursive but who gives a shit
- ###############################################
- # Plots
- #plt.plot(ta, xn)
- #plt.plot(te, abse, '-.', linewidth=2, markersize=10)
- #plt.plot(ta, he, '.', markersize=10 )
- #plt.plot(td, htd, color='green', linewidth=2)
- # Phase Plots
- #ax2 = plt.twinx()
- #ax2.plot(te, hp, '.', markersize=10, color='green' )
- #ax2.plot(te, phase, '-.', linewidth=2, markersize=10, color='green')
- #plt.show()
- #exit()
- #####################################################################
- # regress raw signal
- #[peaks, times, ind] = peakPicker(xn, wL, dt)
- #[a0,b0,rt20] = regressCurve(peaks, times) #,sigma2=1,intercept=True):
- #plt.figure()
- #plt.plot(Vars)
- #plt.show()
- #exit()
- dsamp = 1 # int( DT / dt) # real
- # regress analytic signal
- [b0,rt20] = regressCurve(he, t, intercept=False) #, sigma2=(1./Stds)/np.max(1/Stds)) #,sigma2=1,intercept=True):
- #[a0,b0,rt20] = regressCurve(he, t, intercept=True, sigma2=(1./Vars)/np.max(1/Vars)) #,sigma2=1,intercept=True):
- #[b0,rt20] = regressCurve(he[dsamp::], t[dsamp::], intercept=False) #,sigma2=1,intercept=True):
- #[a0,b0,rt20] = regressCurve(he, t) #,sigma2=1,intercept=True):
- # regress downsampled
- #[a,b,rt2] = regressCurve(abse, t[dsamp::irsamp], intercept=True) #,sigma2=1,intercept=True):
- [b,rt2] = regressCurve(htd, td, intercept=False, sigma2=(1./Stds)/np.max(1/Stds) ) #,sigma2=1,intercept=True):
- return irsamp, iisamp, htd, b0, rt20, ta, b, rt2, phi, td, he, Stds
- #return irsamp, iisamp, abse, a0, b0, rt20, times, a, b, rt2, phase
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- dt = 1e-4
- TT = 1.5
- t = np.arange(0, TT, dt)
- vL = 2000.
- wL = 2.*np.pi*vL
- wL2 = 2.*np.pi*(vL+10 ) # 3 Hz off
- zeta = -np.pi/2 # .0 #np.pi/2.21
- t2 = .050
- # TODO, show boxplots of error of regressions parameters, and randomly sample T2 and Vn0 for realistic parameters.
- # do a lot of random realizations.
- N = 5000
- T2 = [.03, .075, .125, .2, .250] # <=== Final
- #T2 = [.3]
- NT2 = len(T2)
- RALL = np.zeros((N, NT2))
- RDEC = np.zeros((N, NT2))
- BALL = np.zeros((N, NT2))
- BDEC = np.zeros((N, NT2))
- RF = np.zeros((N, NT2))
- AF = np.zeros((N, NT2))
- RM = np.zeros((N, NT2))
- AM = np.zeros((N, NT2))
- RFC = np.zeros((N, NT2))
- AFC = np.zeros((N, NT2))
- sT2 = [str(int(1e3*i)) for i in T2]
- it2 = 0
- for t2 in T2:
- print(("simulating", t2))
- xe = np.exp(-t/t2)
- for it in range(N):
- zeta = (np.random.rand() - .5) #np.random.rand()
- #print ("zeta", zeta)
- # TODO, right here do distribution of phases
- xs = np.exp(-t/t2) * np.sin(wL*t + numpy.pi*zeta) #\
- # + np.exp(-t/t2) * np.sin(wL*t )
- # pretty low, highly-correlated noise
- #xn = ( (smooth(np.random.normal(0,.4,len(xs)) + \
- # np.random.random_integers(-1,1,len(xs))*0.5*np.random.lognormal(0, .25, len(xs)) + \
- # np.random.random_integers(-1,1,len(xs))*.0002*np.random.weibull(.25, len(xs)), 60)))
- #xn += np.random.normal( 0, .02,len(xs) )
- #print(np.std(xn))
- xc = np.random.normal(0,.01,len(xs)) + (np.sign(xs) * (smooth(np.random.normal(0,.25,len(xs)+160) + \
- np.random.random_integers(-1,1,len(xs)+160)*0.15*np.random.lognormal(0, .25, len(xs)+160) + \
- np.random.random_integers(-1,1,len(xs)+160)*.0002*np.random.weibull(.25, len(xs)+160), 80))[80:-80] )
- #print(np.std(xc))
- xn = xs + xc
- #xn += xs
- #nn = np.random.normal( 0, .15,len(xs) )
- #xn = xs + nn # np.random.normal(0,.15,len(xs))
- #xn = xs + (np.sign(xs) * np.absolute(smooth(np.random.normal(0,.5,len(xs))) )) #+ \
- #np.random.random_integers(-1,1,len(xs))*0.6*np.random.lognormal(0, .35, len(xs)) + \
- #np.random.random_integers(-1,1,len(xs))*.004*np.random.weibull(.25, len(xs)), 60)))
- ###################################################################
- # Bandpass filter, concatenate the two and run both directions
- #xraw = xn
- #plt.plot(xn)
- #xf = notch( xn[::-1], .925, 2000., dt )
- #xn = (xn[::-1]-xf)[::-1]
- #xf = notch( xn[::-1], .9, 2000., dt )
- #xn = (xn[::-1]-xf)[::-1]
- """
- print("sigma xf", np.std(xf))
- print("sigma nn", np.std(nn))
- print("sigma xn", np.std(xn[-100::]))
- #plt.plot(xraw)
- plt.plot(xn)
- plt.plot(xs)
- #plt.plot(xf)
- #plt.plot(xn[::-1]-xf)
- plt.show()
- exit()
- """
- # quadrature detection downsampling
- T = 50 # sampling period, grab every T'th oscilation
- DT = 0. #.002 #85 # dead time ms
- [irsamp, iisamp, abse, b0, rt20, times, b, rt2, phase, tdec, he, Stds] = quadDetect(T, vL, wL, dt, xn, DT)
- RALL[it, it2] = 1e2 * ((rt20-t2)/t2)
- BALL[it, it2] = 1e2*(b0 -1.)
- BDEC[it, it2] = 1e2*(b - 1.)
- RDEC[it, it2] = 1e2 * ((rt2-t2)/t2)
- # Fourier domain fitting
- dsamp = int( DT / dt) # real
- #X = np.fft.rfft(xn[dsamp::]) #* dt
- #V = np.fft.fftfreq(len(xn[dsamp::]), dt)
- X = np.fft.rfft(xn) #* dt
- V = np.fft.fftfreq(len(xn), dt)
- #V[len(X)-1] *= -1.
- w = V * 2.*np.pi
- # Just do a window
- nf = 50 # 150 = 200 Hz window
- ws = np.abs(w[0:len(X)])
- vs = ws/(2.*np.pi)
- iL = vL / vs[1]
- # Do complex fit
- [af, bf] = regressModulus(ws[iL-nf:iL+nf] , wL, dt*X[iL-nf:iL+nf] )
- AM[it, it2] = 1e2*(af - 1.) # backwards extrapolate
- RM[it, it2] = 1e2 * ((bf-t2)/t2)
- try:
- [af, bf, nb] = regressSpecComplex(ws[iL-nf:iL+nf], wL, dt*X[iL-nf:iL+nf], known=False)
- except:
- print("munged FD regression")
- af = 0
- bf=10.
- nb = 0
- cr = Kw(af, nb, 1j*ws[iL-nf:iL+nf], bf, wL)
- AFC[it, it2] = 1e2*(af - 1.) # backwards extrapolate
- afe = af # (af * np.exp(DT/bf)) #, af # backwards extrapolate
- RFC[it, it2] = 1e2 * ((bf-t2)/t2)
- """
- # rotate phase
- phi = np.arange(0, 2.*np.pi, .001)
- best = 1e12
- bestPhi = 0
- for p in phi:
- XNN = X * np.exp(1j*p)
- if ( (np.linalg.norm( XNN.real[XNN.real < 0] )) < best):
- best = np.linalg.norm( XNN.real[XNN.real < 0])
- bestPhi = p
- nb2 = bestPhi
- nb3 = nb
- """
- #print ("nb", nb, "zeta", zeta*pi, "nb2", nb2, np.pi/2-zeta*pi)
- Xc = X[iL-nf:iL+nf]
- #X = (X * np.exp(1j*(np.pi/2-zeta*pi) )).real # Correct
- X = (X * np.exp(1j*(np.pi/2-nb) )).real
- X = X[iL-nf:iL+nf]
- #print (phase, bestPhi, phase-bestPhi)
- #plt.plot(ws, np.abs(X))
- #plt.show()
- #exit()
- #[a, b] = regressSpec(w[0:len(X)], wL, dt*X)
- #[af, bf, nb] = regressSpecComplex(ws[iL-nf:iL+nf], wL, dt*X[iL-nf:iL+nf])
- #[af, bf, nb] = regressSpec(ws[iL-nf:iL+nf], wL, dt*X[iL-nf:iL+nf])
- [af, bf, nb] = regressSpec(ws[iL-nf:iL+nf], wL, dt*X)
- #AF[it, it2] = af - 1.
- #AF[it, it2] = 1e2*(af * np.exp(DT/bf) - 1.) # backwards extrapolate
- AF[it, it2] = 1e2*(af - 1.) # backwards extrapolate
- afe = af # (af * np.exp(DT/bf)) #, af # backwards extrapolate
- RF[it, it2] = 1e2 * ((bf-t2)/t2)
- # print af, bf, nb
- #
- # plt.figure()
- # plt.plot(xn)
- #
- # plt.figure()
- # plt.plot(V[0:len(X)], dt * np.abs(X), label='mod')
- # xp = af* np.abs( wL / (wL**2 + (-1j*ws[iL-nf:iL+nf] + 1./bf)**2 ) )
- # xpc = np.abs( wL / (wL**2 + (-1j*ws[iL-nf:iL+nf] + 1./t2)**2 ) )
- # #plt.plot(vs[iL-50:iL+50], dt*np.real(X[iL-50:iL+50]))
- # #plt.plot(vs[iL-50:iL+50], dt*np.imag(X[iL-50:iL+50]))
- # plt.plot(vs[iL-nf:iL+nf], xp, label='predicted')
- # plt.plot(vs[iL-nf:iL+nf], xpc, label='actual')
- # plt.legend()
- it2 += 1
- # a little plot
- if BLACK:
- quadfig = plt.figure(0, facecolor='black', figsize=[pc2in(20), pc2in(32)])
- else:
- quadfig = plt.figure(0, figsize=[ pc2in(20), pc2in(32) ])
- qa = quadfig.add_axes([.1, .6, .8, .375])
- if BLACK:
- qa.plot(1e3*t, xn, label = 'noisy signal', color='yellow')
- invertColours(qa)
- else:
- qa.plot(1e3*t, xn, color='blue', alpha=.25)
- #qa.plot(t, xn, label = 'noisy signal', color='blue')
- #fa.plot(X, V)
- #plt.plot(t[::irsamp], xn[::irsamp], '.-', marker = 'b', markersize=18, label='real envelope')
- #plt.plot(t[iisamp::irsamp], xn[iisamp::irsamp], '.-', marker = 'imaginary envelope', markersize=18, label='imaginary envelope')
- deSpine(plt.gca())
- if BLACK:
- l2 = plt.plot(1e3*times, he, color='red', label='CA')
- l1 = plt.plot(1e3*tdec, abse, '.', color='green', markersize=12, label='time gates')
- leg = plt.legend( frameon=False, scatterpoints=1, labelspacing=0.2, numpoints=1 )
- invertLegend(leg)
- else:
- l2 = qa.plot(1e3*times, he, color='red') #, label='CA')
- #l1 = qa.plot(1e3*tdec, abse, 'o', color='green', markersize=4, label='time gates')
- #leg = plt.legend( frameon=True, scatterpoints=1, numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.25 )
- #rect = leg.get_frame()
- #rect.set_facecolor(light_grey)
- #rect.set_linewidth(0.0)
- #rect.set_alpha(0.5)
- #qa.set_xlabel("time [s]")
- #qa.set_title("time-domain")
- # regress curve using all times
- re0 = b0 * np.exp(-times/rt20)
- # regress curve based on decimated data
- irsamp = 1
- re = b * np.exp(-t[::irsamp]/rt2)
- qa.plot(1e3*t, xe, label = 'true envelope', linewidth=2, color='blue')
- #qa.plot(1e3*t[::irsamp],re, linewidth=2, label='gated regression', color='green')
- qa.plot(1e3*t[::irsamp],re, linewidth=1, color='green')
- qa.plot(1e3*times,re0, '--',linewidth=1, label='CA regression', color='black')
- l1 = qa.errorbar( 1e3*tdec, abse, yerr=Stds, fmt='o', color='green', markersize=3, label='time gates (1 $\sigma$ EB)')
- qa.set_xscale('log', basex=10)
- leg = qa.legend(frameon=True, scatterpoints=1, numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.2)
- fixLeg(leg)
- # Frequency-domain axis, did not bring much information. So removed.
- #ff = plt.figure()
- #fa = quadfig.add_axes([.1, .05, .8, .25])
- fa = quadfig.add_axes([.1, .1, .8, .375])
- #ax2 = plt.gca().twinx()
- #l2 = ax2.plot(t[iisamp::irsamp], phase, '.-', marker = 'imaginary envelope', markersize=18, label='phase')
- #plt.legend([l1,l2])
- #invertColours(qa)
- #fa.plot(V[0:len(X)], dt * np.abs(X), label='mod')
- #fmla = robjects.Formula('XX ~ a*(.5/rT2) / ((1./rT2)^2 + (w-wL)^2 )')
- #xp = af * np.abs( wL / (wL**2 + (-1j*ws[iL-nf:iL+nf] + 1./bf)**2 ) )
- #xpc = np.abs( wL / (wL**2 + (-1j*ws[iL-nf:iL+nf] + 1./t2)**2 ) )
- xp = af * ( (.5/bf) / ( ((1./bf)**2 + (ws[iL-nf:iL+nf]-wL)**2 ) ) )
- xpc = ( (.5/t2) / ( ((1./t2)**2 + (ws[iL-nf:iL+nf]-wL)**2 ) ) )
- #print ("af", af)
- #plt.plot(vs[iL-50:iL+50], dt*np.real(X[iL-50:iL+50]))
- #plt.plot(vs[iL-50:iL+50], dt*np.imag(X[iL-50:iL+50]))
- #fa.plot(np.abs(V[0:len(X)]), dt * np.abs(X), color='red', linewidth=2, label='FT modulus')
- fa.plot(vs[iL-nf:iL+nf], dt*X, color='red', linewidth=2, label='phased')
- fa.plot(vs[iL-nf:iL+nf], xp, '--',linewidth=1, label='regressions', color='black')
- #fa.plot(vs[iL-nf:iL+nf], dt*Xc.real, color='red', '--', linewidth=2, label='real')
- fa.plot(vs[iL-nf:iL+nf], dt*Xc.real, '-', color='blue', linewidth=2, label=r'$\mathrm{Re}$ FFT ')
- fa.plot(vs[iL-nf:iL+nf], dt*Xc.imag, '--', color='blue', dashes=(1.5,.75), linewidth=2, label=r'$\mathrm{Im}$ FFT')
- fa.plot(vs[iL-nf:iL+nf], cr.real, '--', color='black', linewidth=1) #, label=r'reg')
- fa.plot(vs[iL-nf:iL+nf], cr.imag, '--', color='black', dashes=(1.5,.75), linewidth=1) #, label=r'reg')
- #ax.plot(dead_freqs[0:ni], np.imag(WSINDP2[0:ni]), "--", dashes=(1.5,.75), color='blue', linewidth=1, label=r"$\mathrm{Im} ( \mathrm{DP} )$")
- #fa.plot(vs[iL-nf:iL+nf], xpc, linewidth=2, label='actual', color='blue')
- leg = fa.legend(frameon=True, scatterpoints=1, numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.2)
- fixLeg(leg)
- fa.set_xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
- #fa.set_title("frequency-domain")
- fa.set_xlim([1950,2050])
- #leg = plt.legend()
- #rect = leg.get_frame()
- #rect.set_facecolor(light_grey)
- #rect.set_linewidth(0.0)
- #rect.set_alpha(0.5)
- #ra = quadfig.add_axes([.1, .1, .8, .25])
- #vs = .0125
- #ra = quadfig.add_axes([.1, .1-vs, .8, .375])
- #ra.set_title("decay envelope regressions")
- #plt.savefig('quadri.png',dpi=200, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black')
- # real imaginary plot
- #rfig = plt.figure(facecolor='black')
- #ra = rfig.add_axes([.1,.1,.8,.8])
- #ra.plot(t, xn, label = 'noisy signal', color='yellow')
- #ra.plot(t[::irsamp], xn[::irsamp], '.-', marker = 's', markersize=10, label='real signal')
- #ra.plot(t[iisamp::irsamp], xn[iisamp::irsamp], '.-', marker = 'v', markersize=10, label='imaginary envelope')
- #ra.plot(tdec, abse, '.-', color='green', markersize=18, label='decimated modulus')
- #ra.plot(t[iisamp::irsamp], phase, '.-', color='green', markersize=18, label='decimated phase')
- #leg = plt.legend()
- #invertLegend(leg)
- #invertColours(ra)
- #plt.savefig("quad2.png", dpi=200, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black')
- plt.figure(0)
- deSpine(plt.gca())
- if BLACK:
- ra.plot(t[iisamp::irsamp],re, linewidth=2, label='decimated regression', color='green')
- ra.plot(times,re0, linewidth=2, label='all data regression', color='cyan')
- ra.plot(t, xe, label = 'true', linewidth=4, color='magenta')
- ra.set_xlabel("time", fontsize=16, color='white')
- leg = plt.legend( labelspacing=0.2, scatterpoints=1,frameon=False )
- fixLeg(leg)
- invertLegend(leg)
- plt.savefig('noisytime.pdf',dpi=600, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black')
- else:
- #ra.plot(1e3*times, afe*np.exp(-times/bf), '-', color='purple', linewidth=2, label='FD modulus')
- qa.set_xlabel("time [ms]") #, fontsize=16)
- #rect = leg.get_frame()
- #rect.set_facecolor(light_grey)
- #rect.set_linewidth(0.0)
- #rect.set_alpha(0.5)
- qa.set_ylim([-1.25,3.25])
- plt.savefig('noisytime_corr.pdf',dpi=600)
- plt.savefig('noisytime_corr.eps',dpi=600)
- #plt.show()
- #exit()
- #plt.savefig('quadreg.png',dpi=200, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black')
- # Just show envelopes
- #efig = plt.figure(facecolor='black')
- #ea = efig.add_axes([.1,.1,.8,.8])
- #ea.plot(t[iisamp::irsamp],re, linewidth=2, label='decimated regression', color='yellow')
- #ea.plot(times,re0, linewidth=2, label='all data regression', color='cyan')
- #ea.plot(t, xe, label = 'clean envelope', linewidth=2, color='magenta')
- #leg = plt.legend()
- #invertLegend(leg)
- #invertColours(ea)
- #plt.savefig("envelopes.png", dpi=200, edgecolor='black', facecolor='black')
- # boxplot
- if BLACK:
- boxfig = plt.figure( facecolor='black', edgecolor='black')
- else:
- boxfig = plt.figure( figsize=[pc2in(20), pc2in(32)] )
- ##############
- # b2 r2 #
- # b1 r1 #
- # b0 r0 #
- ##############
- vs = 0 #-3*.0125
- vs2 = 0 #-2*.0125
- # Time domain
- b1 = boxfig.add_axes([.15,.075, .35, .15]) # bottom we want labels
- r1 = boxfig.add_axes([ .6,.075, .35, .15])
- b0 = boxfig.add_axes([.15,.25, .35, .15])
- r0 = boxfig.add_axes([ .6,.25, .35, .15])
- # Frequency domain
- b2 = boxfig.add_axes([.15,.425, .35, .15])
- r2 = boxfig.add_axes([ .6,.425, .35, .15])
- b4 = boxfig.add_axes([.15,.6, .35, .15])
- r4 = boxfig.add_axes([ .6,.6, .35, .15])
- b3 = boxfig.add_axes([.15,.775, .35, .15])
- r3 = boxfig.add_axes([ .6,.775, .35, .15])
- for ax in [b1,r1,b0,r0,b2,r2,b3,r3,b4,r4]:
- deSpine(ax)
- B0 = b0.boxplot( BALL , sym='', bootstrap=5000)# , notch=True )
- plt.setp(b0, 'xticklabels', [])
- R0 = r0.boxplot( RALL , sym='', bootstrap=5000)# , notch=True )
- plt.setp(r0, 'xticklabels', [])
- B1 = b1.boxplot( BDEC , sym='', bootstrap=5000)# , notch=True )
- plt.setp(b1, 'xticklabels', sT2)
- R1 = r1.boxplot( RDEC , sym='', bootstrap=5000)# , notch=True )
- plt.setp(r1, 'xticklabels', sT2)
- B2 = b2.boxplot( AF , sym='', bootstrap=5000)# , notch=True )
- R2 = r2.boxplot( RF , sym='', bootstrap=5000)# , notch=True )
- plt.setp(r2, 'xticklabels', [])
- plt.setp(b2, 'xticklabels', [])
- B3 = b3.boxplot( AFC , sym='', bootstrap=5000)# , notch=True )
- R3 = r3.boxplot( RFC , sym='', bootstrap=5000)# , notch=True )
- plt.setp(r3, 'xticklabels', [])
- plt.setp(b3, 'xticklabels', [])
- B4 = b4.boxplot( AM , sym='', bootstrap=5000)# , notch=True )
- R4 = r4.boxplot( RM , sym='', bootstrap=5000)# , notch=True )
- plt.setp(r4, 'xticklabels', [])
- plt.setp(b4, 'xticklabels', [])
- b1.set_xlabel(r"true $T_2^*$ [ms]", color=labcol) #, fontsize=12)
- r1.set_xlabel(r"true $T_2^*$ [ms]", color=labcol) #, fontsize=12)
- b2.set_ylabel(r"phased FD", color=labcol) #, fontsize=12)
- b3.set_ylabel(r"complex FD", color=labcol) #, fontsize=12)
- b4.set_ylabel(r"modulus FD", color=labcol) #, fontsize=12)
- b0.set_ylabel(r"CA", color=labcol) #, fontsize=12)
- b1.set_ylabel(r"gated CA", color=labcol) #, fontsize=12)
- #r0.set_ylabel(r"parameter estimate error")
- #b1.set_xlabel(r"$T_2^*$ decay parameter [ms]")
- if BLACK:
- for box in [B0, R0, B1, R1]:
- box['boxes'][0].set_color('w')
- box['boxes'][0].set_linewidth(2)
- box['medians'][0].set_color('y')
- box['medians'][0].set_linewidth(2)
- box['fliers'][0].set_color('w')
- box['fliers'][1].set_color('w')
- box['whiskers'][0].set_color('w')
- box['whiskers'][1].set_color('w')
- # else:
- #it2 = 0
- #for ax in B0, r0, b1, r1:
- #for line in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
- # print line.get_text()
- # line.set_text(str(T2[it2]))
- # print line.get_text()
- #setp(gca(), 'xticklabels', ['first', 'second', 'third'])
- #line.set_fontsize(16)
- # it2 += 1
- # box['boxes'][0].set_color('red')
- # box['boxes'][0].set_linewidth(3)
- # box['medians'][0].set_color('y')
- # box['medians'][0].set_linewidth(3)
- # box['fliers'][0].set_color('w')
- # box['fliers'][1].set_color('w')
- # box['whiskers'][0].set_color('w')
- # box['whiskers'][1].set_color('w')
- #r0.set_title(r"analytic signal $T_2^*$", color=labcol)
- #b0.set_title(r"analytic signal $V_N^{(0)}$", color=labcol)
- r3.set_title(r"$\tilde{T}_2^*$ relative error [\%]", color=labcol) #, fontsize=12)
- b3.set_title(r"$\tilde{V}_N^{(0)}$ absolute error [\%]", color=labcol) #, fontsize=12)
- if BLACK:
- invertColours(b0)
- invertColours(r0)
- invertColours(b1)
- invertColours(r1)
- #plt.savefig("boxplot.png", dpi=200, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black')
- #else:
- #plt.figure()
- #plt.boxplot( BDEC, bootstrap=1000 )
- #plt.title("dec")
- #plt.savefig("boxplot.png", dpi=200)
- bylow = min(b0.get_ylim()[0], b1.get_ylim()[0])
- bylow = min(bylow, b2.get_ylim()[0])
- bylow = min(bylow, b3.get_ylim()[0])
- bylow = min(bylow, b4.get_ylim()[0])
- byhi = max(b0.get_ylim()[1], b1.get_ylim()[1])
- byhi = max(byhi, b2.get_ylim()[1])
- byhi = max(byhi, b3.get_ylim()[1])
- byhi = max(byhi, b4.get_ylim()[1])
- rylow = min(r0.get_ylim()[0], r1.get_ylim()[0])
- rylow = min(rylow, r2.get_ylim()[0])
- rylow = min(rylow, r3.get_ylim()[0])
- rylow = min(rylow, r4.get_ylim()[0])
- ryhi = max(r0.get_ylim()[1], r1.get_ylim()[1])
- ryhi = max(ryhi, r2.get_ylim()[1])
- ryhi = max(ryhi, r3.get_ylim()[1])
- ryhi = max(ryhi, r4.get_ylim()[1])
- b0.set_ylim((bylow, byhi))
- b1.set_ylim((bylow, byhi))
- b2.set_ylim((bylow, byhi))
- b3.set_ylim((bylow, byhi))
- b4.set_ylim((bylow, byhi))
- r0.set_ylim((rylow, ryhi))
- r1.set_ylim((rylow, ryhi))
- r2.set_ylim((rylow, ryhi))
- r3.set_ylim((rylow, ryhi))
- r4.set_ylim((rylow, ryhi))
- if BLACK:
- #plt.savefig("boxplotlim2.pdf", dpi=600, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black')
- plt.savefig("boxplotlim_2.pdf", dpi=600, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black')
- plt.savefig("boxplotlim_2.eps", dpi=600, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black')
- else:
- #plt.savefig("boxplotlim2.pdf", dpi=600)
- plt.savefig("boxplotlim_2_corr.pdf", dpi=600)
- plt.savefig("boxplotlim_2_corr.eps", dpi=600)
- #plt.savefig("boxplotlim2.tex", dpi=600)
- plt.show()
- exit()
- #########################################################
- #########################################################
- # # fft figure
- # plt.figure()
- # XS = np.fft.rfft(xs)
- # freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(xs), dt)
- # freqs[len(XS)-1] *= -1 # nyquist returned for negative freq
- # freqs = freqs[0:len(XS)]
- #
- # plt.plot(freqs[0:len(XS)], XS.real)
- # plt.plot(freqs[0:len(XS)], XS.imag)
- #
- # # truncate by T X
- # plt.figure()
- # dv = freqs[1] - freqs[0]
- # iLw = vL / dv
- # tr = int(len(freqs) / 35.)
- # plt.plot(freqs[iLw-tr:iLw + tr], XS.real[iLw-tr:iLw+tr], '-x')
- # plt.plot(freqs[iLw-tr:iLw + tr], XS.imag[iLw-tr:iLw+tr], '-x')
- # plt.twinx()
- # plt.plot(freqs[iLw-tr:iLw + tr], np.angle(XS)[iLw-tr:iLw+tr], '-x')
- #
- # print len(XS[iLw-tr:iLw+tr])
- # print len(t[iisamp::irsamp])
- #
- # plt.show()